Nives Marcassoli was born in Ranica near Bergamo. She studied in Bergamo where she achieved a stylist diploma, in Pavia obtained the high school diploma in art. Her artistic career began with painting: at the beginning of the 80’s she attended Pavia Civic Art School, directed by the sculptor Alberto Ghinzani. Student of well known artists such as Roberto Ercolini, Fabio Aguzzi, Mario Raciti and Roberto Sommariva, in 1985 she became one of the founding members of the Association of Arti Visive Marabelli (AR.VI.MA). She has been exhibiting her artworks in group painting exhibitions since 1995.
During the 1990’s she became interested in the world of glass; deepening her knowledge and studying glass fusion techniques and hot working methods and studying with various artists: In 1992 with Jork Kleiner (Switzerland) and from 1994 with Miriam Di Fiore ( Ital-Argentinean) of which she was a student for several years. In 2000 she performed her first kilning experience with the artist Tom Rowney (Australia) in the Creative Glass of Zurich.
In 2005 she followed a residential course of Hot-Cast-Glass held by the artist Mitchell Guadet (New Orleans) in the Pilchuck Glass School of Seattle, WA.
Simultaneously she began to specialize in creating stained glass windows for home design and furnishing accessories, which gave origin to her artistic/ creative workshop I Vetri di Nives®.
In 2001 she assisted Miriam di Fiore during various International glass seminars organized by the Murano Centre of Glass Studies.
Since 2002 she has been a lecturer for fused glass courses in the Pandora Association.
In 2004, he learns the techniques of cold working glass under the guidance of Claudio Tiozzo, in Murano.
Public opera
From 2000 to 2007 she worked on the stained glass windows for the Santa Crocifisso Church of Pavia, covering an area of about 100 square meters, which were entirely projected and carried out by her single handed.
In 2006, for the Comune of Vernate (Milano), with a glass fusion technique she created an interpretation of a painting by American Artist William Congdon, which has been placed inside he cemetery of Pasturago di Vernate (Milan).
In 2010 her sculpture Suspended Games was positioned in the new cultural centre of Ranica (Bergamo), a reflection on childhood, play and of the exploitation of child labour, from the last century until today.
She participated at the 2002 edition of the Glass Conference in Amsterdam, in 2004 in New Orleans(where she paraded with a glass dress which she had created for the Glass Fashion Show) and again in 2007 in Pittsburgh, keeping constantly updated with glass work evolutions.
2005 - Group exhibition at the Regina Murano Gallery (Venice).
2010 - LOVE ART 2, (Group) organised by Cecilia Ci, Palazzo Orsini, Scorzè (Venice).
2010 - Melting pot - Pensiero d’artista (group) organised by Adolfina De Stefani and Barbara Codogno, for the Internazional Project Walking Freedom Fort 2010, Forte Marghera, (Venice).
2010 - Di Vetro e d’Acqua (Personal) in the floating building of the Ticino Rowing Club on the Ticino River in Pavia.
2011 - 2nd Vitro festival in Romont, (Group) Vitromusée, Romont (Switzerland).
2011 - Of Fire and Of Water / Di Fuoco e d’Acqua (personal) organised by Grazia Chiesa, Galleria 9 Colonne, Milano.
2013 - Her sculpture A DAILY WAGE was positioned in the new cultural centre of Ranica (Bergamo), a reflection on women and young girls which, after a brief apprenticeship, began to work on the machines,on the spinning wheels and on the looms, in 1990.
2013 - Tra-sparire (Personal) organised by Adolfina De Stefani, 3D Gallery Mestre, Venice.
2013 - Chiare fresche et dolci acque (Group) organised by Francesca Mariotti, The Space of Art L’ALTROVE, Ferrara.
2014 - Manualmente - Il vetro organised by Jean Blancheart Nives is one of the artists invited at the exibition of contemporary art glass masters, Villa Necchi Campiglio - Milano.
2016 - Sentimental Furnace - Europa Gallery-Lido di Camaiore Lucca.
2016 - Contemporary Glass Art, organised by Jean Blancheart Nives is one of the artists invited at the exibition of contemporary art glass masters. Villa dei Vescovi - Luvigliano di Torreglia - Padova.
2016 - Vibrations - glass clouds, prèt à porter, Rosso Tiziano Gallery-Piacenza.
2016 - Fluide fusioni dell'anima, Ethos dell’Arte Gallery - Genova.
2017 - Viva carta Vivo vetro Viva arte - Nives Marcassoli and Paolo Fraternali, Glass and graphic works. Hotel 38 Art Studio, Milano.
2017 - Premio Mirabilia Verona, 3rd prize with the work PATHS 3.
2018 - (Group) Artist's book -Tuscany tour- with the opera WATERS TRAVELED.
2018 - HOMO FABER Fondazione Giorgio Cini, VE. BEST OF EUROPE selection, with the opera Delicato Chiffon.
2019 - Artist chosen by the Radicigroup Spa -sponsor Atalanta football, to illustrate the Sustainability Report with images of his works.
2021 - VITREA Contemporary Italian glass by the author Triennale di Milano. Exhibition curated by Jean Blanchaert.
2022 - PROTECTING THE COLOR the delicacy of the gesture in the works of Nives Marcassoli, curated by Michela Murialdo Glass Museum of Altare (Sv).
2022 - PLOTS-TRACES OF LIFE, curated by Beatrice Buratti, Sala Manzù - Bergamo
The initial studies of drawings and paintings, the broadening of advanced fusing techniques, light painting and heating procedures, are mingled together and are the base of this technical ability, style and the expression of which, Nives creates her artworks, passionately pursuing her sculptress minded pathway.